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Our Story

We're so glad you're here.


Humble Beginnings 


Clann Health (Clann meaning Community) was started in 2021 with 6 people outside on a cold, dark February Monday by John & Seamus. This was in the middle of a snowstorm during the COVID Pandemic and at a time when people were lacking movement, lacking connection and feeling the negative effects of it. Our goal at the very beginning was to bring people together through exercise and to help them feel better!


From this humble beginning we have grown into one of the most diverse programs in the city attracting a range of people of varying abilities and backgrounds.


Both John and Seamus previously worked in Corporate New York before leaving their full time jobs to become Fitness Trainers and follow their passion of helping others become healthier, happier versions of themselves so we know what it’s like on both sides of the fence.  But we also know what it’s like to make positive change. You will feel better, you will sleep better, you will have more energy, you will be happier and you will be a better person all around! Remember that to make a change all it takes is that 1st action step.


Our Community and your 3rd place


Our goal is to build our Community and to continue to help as many people as we can through our Training Programs. Two years in and we knew we needed a home to reach more people. That’s when The Trinity was born. 


What separates us from the rest of the pack is our Community. Everyone has a work life, a home life but we all need a 3rd place. Somewhere we can go to escape from it all and spend time with like minded people.


Without doubt you will try harder when you are surrounded by others who are striving toward the same goal as you. Our Community is powerful, we lift each other up and strive to become better versions of ourselves.

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