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What a Lumberjack Can Teach You About Becoming a Healthier, Happier You

So, what can a lumberjack teach you about becoming a healthier, happier version of yourself? It may sound surprising, but there’s a valuable lesson hidden in the story of a group of hardworking lumberjacks. This story illustrates the importance of taking time for self-care and how it can lead to greater productivity and overall well-being.

The Lumberjack Story

A group of lumberjacks was deep in the forest, cutting down wood. These men worked incredibly hard because they weren’t paid by the hour—they were paid by the number of trees they cut down. Every day, at noon, they would sit down for a quick 15-minute lunch before getting back to work as quickly as possible.

Everyone, that is, except Larry.

Larry would disappear for well over an hour during lunchtime. He would return around 1 p.m. and join the others in cutting down trees. But here’s what frustrated the other lumberjacks: despite his long lunch breaks, Larry always managed to cut down more trees than the rest of them!

The Important Question

The other lumberjacks couldn’t figure out how Larry did it. Eventually, one of them approached Larry and asked, "Larry, how come you take such a long lunch break and still manage to come back and cut down more trees than the rest of us? Where the hell do you go for that hour?!"

Larry looked at the lumberjack, and by now, the rest of the crew was listening in. His answer was simple, yet it was something they hadn’t even considered doing themselves.

“I go home to sharpen my axe,” Larry replied.

The Lesson: Sharpen Your Axe

Larry’s response holds a powerful lesson for all of us. When it comes to becoming a healthier, happier version of yourself, it’s crucial to take time every day to “sharpen your axe.” This means taking care of yourself—whether it’s eating nutritious food, exercising, or simply taking a moment to rest and recharge.

When you’re well-rested, recovered, and make time for self-care, you’re more productive at work, more present for your family, and generally happier. You’ll have more energy, and you’ll feel better both physically and mentally.

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the grind, thinking that pushing yourself harder will lead to better results. But the truth is, just like Larry, you need to take a step back and sharpen your axe to continue cutting down trees—or in this case, to keep making progress towards your goals.

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